The City has achieved a daily savings of 50,000 euros in electricity, water, fuel, personal and rentals.
The IBI next year will be below 2012. More than 50 million euros are for services that are of shared competence with the region.
Investments up to 34% by 2015, 11 million more than in 2014, reaching a total of 44.22 million euros.
Low capita debt to 420 euros
The House of the Corporation has approved this morning's Budget 2015 commitment to people (more spending on lowering taxes), investment (in 2015 are planned 44 million euros, 11 more than in 2014 million) and employment (1.3 million to create public employment).
And this has been possible thanks to savings in current spending, reviewing contracts and lowering the cost and volume of debt, which will be below that of 2011. The approval has come forward with the abstention of UPyD group and votes against groups PSOE and IU-Greens.
The schedule of performances marked in 2011 has been fulfilled to the letter, since the management in recent years has been austere, responsible and balanced.
These actions carried out in recent years have allowed the City of Murcia get to 2015 with completely healthy accounts, and prepared for the economic recovery of the municipality of Murcia.
The Department of the Treasury, directed Isabel Martinez Conesa, has had a roadmap focused on three phases, culminating in 2015, economic growth and development of active policies.
1. In a first phase, from 2011-2013, efficiency measures both costs and revenues, as management and cost containment, contract review, savings in the basic consumption (electricity, water, fuel implantation, rental of premises and staff) or the increase in revenue from the measures implemented by the AMT.
In this sense it has been able to generate savings that reduces least 50,000 euros that the City has trouble starting each day.
2. In a second phase, in 2014, Efficiency and modernization measures consolidating stability implanted, freezing taxes, restructuring spending and modernizing the administration, incorporating eGovernment procedures.
3. In 2015 we initiated a third phase characterized by the momentum of economic growth and development of active policies.
The government team of the City of Murcia will next year with a budget of around 400 million euros, 2.3% more than in 2014 year.
In 2015 the taxes are lowered into the main taxes (12.5% ​​in urban IBI and 5% in the coefficient of situation IAE), a freeze in Rural IBI, IVTM, IIVTNU, ICIO, Rates and Prices Public and how to maintain and even improve the tax benefits for groups that require special protection.
Bonuses in 2015 are expected at 29 million euros.
Thus, the IBI tax rate has been reduced from 0.748% to 0.65%, so that in 2015, taxpayers will pay a lower IBI receipt 2012. All these measures represent savings for Murcia 5 million euros next year.
The subvencones for current expenditure decreased by 10%, despite which, the city of Murcia citizens continue to provide all the services that are shared power with the Autonomous Community, and involving more than EUR 50 million cost.
So Expenditure on Social Welfare increased by 1 M € compared to 2014, reaching a total of 26.33 M €.
The City of Murcia has a team of government working to have an open, free, compassionate and humane city.
The sum total of Social Welfare, Social Welfare, Health, Education and Welfare reached the figure of 45.55 M €, which is the great figures of the budget of a solvent, rigorous, responsible Hall and generating confidence to allow the output of the crises to be able to present a balanced accounts Murcia.
Moreover, Isabel Martinez Conesa said that 117 million euros a personal, of which 1.3 million euros will be used for new hires in 2015, as it plans to convene some 370 seats in the next three years.
The grants to be 27.23% to almost 44 million euros will increase.
Spending on grants and subsidies grew 27.23% to 43.6 million euros for social emergency aid, school meals, employment or sports.
Investments in 2015 will grow by 34% (11 million more than in 2014) taking into account the provisions of the Budget which will reach 39.05 million euros, to which must be added the extraordinary credit, also approved this morning by the plenary of the Corporation, totaling 5.17 million euros.
The total investments for 2015 will be 44.22 million euros.
The debt will continue to fall in 2015 and will be below that of 2011. Over the next year the debt is reduced by about 10 million euros and will end the year with a turnover of 184 million euros, 50 7% of revenue liquidated.
The debt per capita is reduced to 420 euros, 22 fewer than in 2014.
"There is another side of the political commitment to stability: better services to Murcia, less taxes and more investments," concluded Isabel Martinez Conesa.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia