Ginesa Martinez stressed that 15% of tourism receiving Spain is linked to sport
The Decyde Forum, organized by Fernando Zaplana Consulting Group and Universidad Catolica San Antonio de Murcia, has reached its fourth day that has been about 'tourism, health, integration and sport'.
Experts in all these areas have been discussed in two round tables have also been focused on labor future presented for future graduates in these areas.
The first panel (Tourism, Sport) has had Luis Mesa, Mesa CEO of the Hospital del Castillo;
Joaquín Martínez, director of communication Pinatar Arena;
Juan Alfonso Garcia, Dean of the Faculty of Sport (UCAM);
and Ginesa Martínez del Vas, Vice Dean of the Degree in Tourism (UCAM).
The importance is gaining Murcia and its potential as a tourist destination in the areas of health and sport were the main topic of debate.
Ginesa Martinez recalled that "15% of vacationers who visit Spain is closely linked to sport. The tourism and sport are united by values ​​such as knowledge and physical activity. It is not so important destination if no activity to be to perform ".
A tourist destination that has gained importance in the Region of Murcia in sport is Pinatar Arena.
Joaquín Martínez commented that "two years have passed 6,000 players from 25 different nationalities for their facilities. Pinatar Arena took advantage of the situation and climate of the Region of Murcia in null tourism in the area of ​​San Pedro months have succeeded presence athletes and teams in our center assuring 20,000 more hotel nights in low season ".
In the same vein, but within tourism focused on health, Luis Mesa commented that "we have agreements with various sports and leisure centers, plus there 'tour operators' expertise in health issues that make people from other countries come to Spain to surgery, where it is cheaper. "
From the field of professional training covering certain jobs in this tourism is growing, Juan Alfonso García emphasized the need to avoid the intrusion: "From the Faculty of Sport of the UCAM we are involved in the formation of professionals. It is important regulation for people offering sports-related services are properly trained and certified ".
'Integration and disability' was the title of the second round table has been attended by Teresa Perales, Paralympic swimmer with 22 medals;
Ivan Toscano, adapted basketball player;
José Grin, President of the Commission of Cycling Adapted from the Royal Spanish Cycling Federation;
and Juan Gonzalez, sports psychologist and coordinator of psychoeducational area of ​​Elche Club de Fútbol.
Adapted sport is evolving and the need for porofesionales in all areas was one of the issues discussed.
Teresa Perales, with 16 years in the elite, commented that "had previously only monitors and now in almost every discipline there are properly trained coaches. Much work remains but now adapted sports has improved greatly in recent years."
Recalling its passage basketball wheelchair, Ivan Toscano lamented that when he became famous for participating in a TV show "no one called me to talk about disability or accidents".
Precisely so it was lost mobility in his legs at age 16: "Before the accident was going to footballer But Toledo Hospital discovered wheelchair basketball and from the first moment I wanted to try it and practice it.".
The discussion also touched on the psychological barriers that exist in the general population when talking or dealing with people with disabilities.
Juan Gonzalez, who works daily with kids, said "it is a matter of education. We need to see young people who are all equal and we all have some kind of disability."
In the same vein, José Grin noted: "In cycling championships adapted to have organized I was quite surprised seeing what they can many of these cyclists and checking his human qualities".
Source: UCAM