The Department of Education, through the social services department has detected 233 absentee children during the school year 2013-2014.
Of the total, 91 cases are primary (one 39.06%), while 142 cases are secondary (60.94%).
Of the reported cases, 123 were male and 110 girls, 88 and 46 are lower Gypsies are foreign minors, according to the report by the city of Murcia and has been disclosed in the table of the City Commission on Prevention, Monitoring and Control of Truancy.
In addition, the Councillor for Education, Maria Dolores Sanchez, who chairs the Committee, presented the municipal program of truancy and intervention protocol in cases of absenteeism.
To carry out prevention program absenteeism Social Services has 19 social educators zone, 3 community social workers and support staff of the 3 Centres of Social Services, as well as support the Mobile Emergency Services Social Care (Semas).
Maria Dolores Sanchez explained that the City conducts various programs to combat absenteeism.
One project that has been launched with great success are two occupational classes in Espinardo and El Palmar, which involved 30 students and allows students to study the contents of the ESO while learning a trade.
This project is in collaboration with the Ministry of Education.
The measures to be carried out are:
-Project Tutoring.
It is done in collaboration with 125 volunteer students from the University of Murcia in order that children overcome the difficulties of school and social integration and their families aware of the matter of education.
Involved 164 children (79 boys and 85 girls) from 73 schools (58 primary and 15 secondary).
Of the total number of children served, 54 are foreign parents.
-Activities Of Leisure and Recreation (PAI).
With the aim of providing alternative activities with preventive and educational program of activities for children of 6-12 years, which involved 1,500 children are offered.
Work continues on the PAI with schools and summer camps.
-Activities Community Action Centers.
They are located in La Paz-La Fama, Holy Spirit Espinardo and Los Rosales El Palmar and perform specific projects in each area to promote participation and cooperation among social agents.
They are in different neighborhoods (three in collaboration with the Caixa Foundation) so that minors have access to new technologies.
The municipal board for the prevention, monitoring and control of truancy has detected a reduction in the number of cases of absentee minors, since he launched the Regional Plan for the Prevention, Monitoring and Control of Truancy and Dropout (RESP) and is working on a new truancy program for the municipality of Murcia and new intervention protocol, adapted to the criteria of the RESP.
According to the data presented, Roma children attended representing 37.77% of total cases, 42 children and 46 Roma studying Elementary Secondary.
In the case of immigrant children a 19.55% of all cases that have needed attention, studied 28 primary and 18 secondary schools.
Neighborhoods and districts with more problem of absenteeism are: El Palmar (district of Los Rosales), with 45 cases;
Espinardo (Holy Spirit) with 28 cases, Cabeza de Torres with 15 cases, 11 cases and Lobosillo Carmen district with 10 cases.
All children absentee study in 31 primary schools (28 public and 3 schools) and 38 secondary schools (31 public and 7 schools).
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia