Councilman IU-Greens in the city of Murcia, José Ignacio Tornel, said today that the budget that the government team go next year to the Department of Sports, Youth and Tourism in 2015 is characterized by "covert privatization under State budget ".
In sports, Tornel has indicated that the proposed hall "shows no initiative to promote sport for Murcia citizenship" but "carried out a policy of privatization affecting the management of public spaces."
He indicated that in the context of the discussion of budgets, Councilman bouquet, Miguel Cascales, "just introduced a governing board privatized management of the Prince of Asturias Pavilion against the report prepared by the Economic and Budget Division, which It cost taxpayers 701,079 euros over the next two years, ie mortgage decisions next government team. "
"So did almost two years, granting the use of many public sports facilities to the UCAM, without notice or possibility of competition," added Tornel, who said "the agreement is key in sport signed until 2019 and assignment the municipal stadium of La Condomina, as palpable example of preferential treatment.
For the mayor, "it is logical not need to work in a municipal budget for sports if it is dedicated to bring at auction facilities should manage."
"Along with this reality, committing to build a corridor running gardens is disrespectful to the citizens," he argued.
On the budget of youth, has argued that "technical Youth are great professionals in their field and yet, the Youth Council, representing the friends of PP, addresses important issues in housing plans employment and youth participation without municipal technician are even consulted. "
"The Youth Council operates two community centers at their own risk, and that seems an irregularity without justification and reason to demand the resignation of the outgoing council and who wants to take his place."
This "assigning privileges" to the Youth Council, according Tornel, "is coupled with the radical removal of subsidies for projects managed by youth associations, maintained since 2011, and promoted to the Youth Council less democratic history Murcia ".
He also stressed the elimination of services managed for many years, as the Law Offices or the Conventions learning center, which have a very efficient service at youth level, which "did not involve just spending and opening the door to privatization as the project Networks ", which involves the activity of a private company converted into a municipal project.
Regarding tourism, Tornel has indicated that Cascales "has the same Tourism Promotion Plan which explained in July 2011." It should give an account of the results, in any case, not return the same story four years later.
The proposed tourism promotion is actually a relative of a few specific actions, without much connection ".
He also criticized the Congress organization area and events works isolated from other municipal activities related.
For example, it is not coordinated with the area of ​​institutional relations of Councillor Joaquín Moya-Angeler.
"It seems that businesses were facing. It is not inconceivable that maintain relations with China or Mexico without Convention Bureau participate more actively".
Source: IURM