Murcia UPyD spokesman highlights the approach to creating a sports city "borne by them through a collective funding model, which would cost money to Consistory", after a meeting with the Association of Minority Shareholders of Real Murcia (AAMRM)
Ruben Juan Serna, spokesman for Progress and Democracy Union in the city of Murcia said after the meeting with Pablo Baeza and Enrique López, president and treasurer respectively of the Association of Minority Shareholders of Real Murcia (AAMRM), that "the project exposed for grana club is quite attractive. "
Serna emphasizes that the creation of a sports town intends, "borne by them through an interesting model of 'crowdfunding' or collective financing, so it does not cost money to Consistory".
Murcia UPyD spokesman stated that the position of the formation magenta is to not fund or subsidize public institutions from professional sports, "but still the AAMRM have expressed our willingness to find common ground" to keep these approaches.
Specifically, the AAMRM raises a possible sale of any type of soil nonprofit or speculative purposes, to then proceed to acquire a facility that would serve the basis of the club, "something that would be good for the city."
"If at any time UPyD has the ability to decide on such decisions, we would have the predisposition to study, assess it and reach well to some sort of agreement."
Finally, Serna want "the best sporting success to the fans of Real Murcia, something that certainly would have deserved," says the mayor of UPyD.
Source: UPyD Murcia