Murcia Equality 'to Hospital Mesa del Castillo, Prevention and Health Business Group SL and Ibermutuamur |
Murcia City Council held this morning events planned to mark the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, commemorated today, 25 November, in order to raise awareness slogan Tolerance 0 violence against women.
Councilmember Equality Policy and Development Cooperation, Alicia Barquero, presented the award 'Murcia equal', the company Eulen as an entity that has actively fought against gender violence and victim support.
The company organized the First Day of awareness of group managers for placement for women victims of gender violence in the company;
and collaborates with various organizations (Radio Ecca, FSG, Aidemar, Famdif / Cocemfe) for the training and employment of women.
He has also been awarded the prize 'Company.
Murcia equal 'Hospital Mesa del Castillo, SL, an SME with a staff of 122 people, 86% female, and management and leadership positions are occupied on a parity basis.
Special mentions of this award are for Prevention and Health Business Group, SL, with Equality Plan since 2009;
e Ibermutuamur for innovative measures to reconcile work and family life that are implementing.
Then was read the manifesto against gender violence.
The event was held at the Plenary Hall.
On November 25 marks the day that the Mirabal sisters were killed by order of Dominican Republic dictator Rafael Trujillo in 1960. In 1999 the UN proclaimed November 25 as the International Day to raise awareness and involve the whole society the eradication of violence against women.
Murcia City Council joins the celebration with the Autonomous Community and the Government Office.
Moreover, during the day you can visit the Plaza de Santo Domingo an information booth with awareness activities.
This afternoon at 18.30 citizen march is planned against gender violence 'We want to hear'.
The route is: Plaza de Santo Domingo, Tatters and Cardinal Belluga Square.
At the end, around 19.30, the manifesto was read against gender violence in the Belluga Square.
Facts attention GBV
The Municipal Assistance Team Violence against Women (EMAVI) registered so far this year (through October) 266 cases of domestic violence, 15 cases less than in the same period of 2013.
The 73.31% of women attending are Spanish, followed by Morocco (7.89%), Ecuador (5.26%), Bolivia (2.26%), Colombia (1.88%) and Romania (1, 88%).
We have detected 145 new cases, while in 2013 was 164;
and 121 old cases, 117 last year.
The service has conducted 1,536 attentions.
The average age of women who have received assistance is between 30 and 40 years (34.21%), between 40 and 50 years (28.95%) and between 20 and 30 years (18.05%).
As for dependent children, the 30.08% of women have two dependent children, 27.82% have no dependent children, 27.07% have a dependent child and 11 28% have three.
The 71.05% of women have denounced violence, compared to 28.95% who has not filed a report;
14.29% has filed complaint for breach of restraining order issued to his partner, and 4.51% has reported unpaid alimony.
In 57.14% of cases the abuser is the former partner and in 37.97% of cases is the current partner.
A 81.20% of women attending does not live with her attacker and 37.97% have restraining order.
The type of abuse that have exerted mainly on women's physical and psychological (39.10%), only psychological (25.56%) and only physical (18.80%).
So far this year, have been treated in shelters 5 women with 7 children, a woman less than in the same period of 2013. Currently in the shelter there are 2 women and 4 children.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia