"Blood Wedding", the play that established his reputation as a playwright Federico García Lorca, will be performed on 26, 27 and 28 November, at the University of Murcia, Sala "Concha Lavella", Campus de La Merced, the 20:00.
The representation will be borne by the company Teatro del Matadero, under the direction of JA Aliaga.
Life, love, honor and death are the real stars of this drama based on some events that occurred in 1928 in the Cortijo del Fraile, Nijar, Almería, known to the author through the press.
The events were shaped forever in this play that was the only published in book form in life of Lorca, and summarized in the flight of a bride with her lover on the eve of their wedding.
The groom's brother found them on the road and shot dead the man.
Source: UMU