We can Murcia could be part of citizen candidates popular unit in the town if they go "beyond conglomerates partisan acronyms and aspirations."
Andrés Pedroza, professor at the University of Murcia, Murcia member can explained this in the meeting that took place last Saturday in the Plaza of the Constitution of James.
At the same meeting, Jorge Estebaranz presented the manifesto "Murcia, the city we love and want."
In this text, signed by more than two dozen members of social movements of the city, the electoral confluence citizen calls from "primaries, open and massive, remaining candidates and candidates under citizen control".
We can not rule out Pedreño Murcia could join initiatives like this, provided that "the borders of the logic of political parties are overcome."
Furthermore, the assembly was discussed and explained step by step process can Constituent Municipal Murcia and guarantees for those who have chosen to present individually Citizen Municipal Council were delivered.
Also, a proposed methodology is presented to develop a list through primary to that body, whose name is "Now can Murcia".
The meeting presented their proposals and activities Circles of Health and Human Services, Education, Culture, University Student and Youth.
Also involved members of civic associations and neighbors as Pedro Arqués, the Pro-Underground Platform, speaking from the experience of neighborhood struggle of its platform.
Source: PODEMOS Murcia