The spokesman for Union Progress and Democracy in the city of Murcia, Juan Ruben Serna says "it is not understandable" that budgetary allocations to the area of ​​Employment, Trade and Business spend 2.58% 2014 2.68% of total budget for 2015, thus remaining "almost identical in a municipality with an unemployment rate and dramatic commercial situation."
Serna emphasizes that "despite the Consistory has no competence in employment if they have tools for building through training, incentives and trade policies."
"Budgets seem insufficient, not only this year but all of the above and the economic crisis have had a special impact on our town."
"We do not understand that with more than 40,000 unemployed in the municipality," the Department of Employment, Trade and Business "continue without relevance and weight that should be within the budget, while other councils themselves who see increased more As your financial allowance. "
To spokesman UPyD Murcia, "we have a situation where the town there is an increase in precarious employment and a loss of purchasing power" resulting in "Where before there was one person working, there are now two and less salary ".
Thus the formation magenta criticizes that "this key area still not be a real priority for the government team of Mayor Camera".
Finally, Serna want to emphasize once more the initiatives undertaken so far by the charge of Employment, Trade and Business, José María Tortosa, which has limited means to promote economic activity.
Source: UPyD Murcia