Councilman IU-Greens in the city of Murcia, José Ignacio Tornel, today criticized the budget for children's libraries and schools, under the Department of Education, "continue without increasing" in 2015, and even " down slightly. "
Tornel has indicated that all budget increases the council, about 4 million, are given in the chapter on personnel due to new recruitment methods.
In his view, the lack of investment and maintenance of primary schools is "disturbing" and together with the high price that has set the City "shows no support from the PP for this service."
He also stressed the "considerable social unrest" for the price of municipal kindergartens, which comes to be equated with that of private.
"Families left while receiving a service are paying their taxes forever to access it as an acquisition. That is, depending on their economic and not their right as citizens possibilities."
To Tornel, "the popular PP maintains its refusal to create public school places in kindergarten. It's a choice that results in the use of public money through these budgets. Making life easier for families, ensure a quality education for their children and ensure the necessary resources will not fit the political agenda of the PP. "
He also considered worrying lack of activity with public libraries, once built are left without a budget for activities.
Source: IURM