On budgets for transport Herguedas are assured that "the palpable expression of the disastrous policies of the PP."
"Worse transport more expensive, cuts in services, unacceptable differences in access to transportation between the town and the villages a transportation plan rejected by the public, a tram designed as an unnecessary luxury."
Herguedas Murcia indicated that pay double that in 2010, with the aggravating circumstance that then covered both urban and intercity transport and urban NowSingle subsidized.
Most of the budget is eaten tram, "which is a real drag for the municipality."
"We are paying the consequences of poor planning and lack of citizen participation. Instead of addressing the needs of residents in this county have served the needs of speculators and worse, it also perseveres errors, as shown by the tram project Carmen neighbors reject miserably. "
Source: IU-verdes Murcia