The spokesman for IU-Greens in the city of Murcia, Esther Herguedas, highlighted the "keep the momentum" of municipal budgets by 2015, and said that, like those of previous years, "did not succeed in solving the main problems the municipality from the economic crisis. Unemployment and social care needs "
Herguedas stressed that the slight increase in spending on social benefits and concrete actions to promote employment does not even cover the increase in the CPI, so what actually occurs is a reduction from these games.
He also highlighted the worrying financial decline in the transfers of the Autonomous Community to address these services for their future maintenance as the regional administration "or pay to municipalities to that address these services and has increased their budgets to cover the scope of their powers. "
The mayor does not share the "triumphalist sense" Councillor of Finance on tax cuts, "when the reality is that a rise in revenue produced by this concept."
Thus, it has been noted that the main income tax, IBI and IAE, "is a carbon copy of the previous year," demonstrating that "the impact of the falling rate were offset by other gains."
To Herguedas, the investment chapter deserves a more "realistic" analysis.
The spokesman for IU-Greens believe it is unacceptable to be included in the presentation unbudgeted items from a credit that is still pending and has not been approved.
"Nor can one speak of an increase in investment, because the reality is that barring coastal works, financed by the region, investment in the town down by 2.7 million over the previous period. Only 7 1% of the total budget is allocated to municipal investments, which in no way helps create jobs. "
"Instead of increasing investment and trigger employment, Councilwoman Martinez Conesa has chosen to focus its efforts on reducing the debt accumulated by the disastrous management of previous years, in compliance with the strict criteria of budgetary stability" has held Herguedas for whom it is "a major sacrifice that does not prevent the City continue to allocate more than 35 million euros to pay debt with a 7.96% budget amount greater than what is directed to the Department of Welfare Social and health, for instance. "
Source: IURM