The Councillor of Finance, Isabel Martinez Conesa has again answered the councilor socialist municipal group on the new contract municipal taxes, saying that with the new contractor a higher quality public services at a lower cost will be provided.
Creating mobile offices in the districts that will bring the "window" of Finance at the door of taxpayers residing in them, will be another improvement to be incorporated next year 2015.
The Murcia are aware of the "toe run" from the Municipal Tax Office, said the Councillor for Economy and Finance, Isabel Martinez Conesa, who recalled the efforts made in recent months, which has resulted in the elimination of bureaucracy reduction administrative procedures, approval of payment plans to the letter or the impulse to run from home.
"These are steps that have led us to become a reference model for other cities," said the mayor.
Martinez Conesa said that "this is our philosophy and so will continue", while also pointed out that with the hiring of tax management in 2015 "to protect taxpayers asking solvency and security to the contractor."
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia