The next 19, 20 and 21 November the II Inter National Parliamentary Debate Tournament UMU-ARMU (University of Murcia-Murcia Regional Assembly) will be held.
Discussions were held in the following locations and times:
Day 19, 16 pm: Building Rector Sabater, Av Round Lift, 10, Murcia (Hall and several classrooms.):
Day 20, 17 am: Real Casino de Murcia.
Day 21, 11 am: Meeting Room of the Regional Assembly of Murcia, Cartagena.
The activity is organized by the Classroom Discussion and Debate Club of the University of Murcia, and she collaborate Regional Assembly of Murcia, Dean of the Faculty of Arts, Real Casino de Murcia and Liberal Forum Citizens for Progress.
The parliamentary debate tournament is a competitive academic debate that seeks to promote the development of argumentative and rhetorical skills in college students.
By following the British Parliamentary format, motions or issues to be discussed and the positions of each team are announced 15 minutes before each round, forcing participants to use their prior knowledge to construct proper arguments to the topic under discussion.
In today's edition of 12 teams of students from different Spanish universities participate, including a Mexican team of Murcia Erasmus students from that country.
Source: UMU