The Department of Environment, directed Adela Martinez-Cacho carries the Green Homes initiative Rosales neighborhood of El Palmar, in collaboration with the Intercultural Community Program, the Association has been developing Columbares in that neighborhood.
The intervention program performs a series of actions to improve the situation comprehensively neighborhood in cohabitation, education, health, training, employment, leisure and the environment;
paying particular attention to the most socially vulnerable: women, youth and children.
They also propose measures to improve the image of the neighborhood both its own residents and the rest of the inhabitants of the municipality.
It is in the Environment block where the action is framed to develop the Green Homes program and has developed this morning.
I have been offered a talk to 20 families in the neighborhood about drinking water provided by the municipal company responsible for Aguas de Murcia.
In addition to the talk, and the result of the accession of the store Leroy Merlin the Green Homes program, has delivered a "kit and efficiency savings" to each of the families who participated in the day (total 20) .
The kit is composed of various elements favoring power savings and water consumption at home.
So, it has a five-based extension sockets and switch two bulbs E27 LED thread, a weekly digital timer, a reducing flow to the shower, faucet aerator and a bag recycled.
The upcoming events in the neighborhood of Los Rosales will take place at 9.30 am and will be on the following days:
- On Wednesday, November 19th.
The theme will be climate change, effects, consequences and best practices of citizens.
Columbares Association.
- Monday, November 24.
The theme will be energy, by GER.
- Wednesday, November 26.
Responsible Consumption of hands Columbares Association.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia