The spokesman for IU-Greens in the city of Murcia, Esther Herguedas, now considered "a mistake" to get re-hiring the management of municipal taxes after more than three-year term.
Herguedas noted that this contract will involve a commitment of spending 30 million euros over the next four years and, therefore, "will determine significantly the new government team have to settle from the upcoming municipal elections."
According to the spokesman, "it makes sense that after pleading no previous specification by the decision of the Central Administrative Court of Appeal, had acted to extend the current contract until the end of the legislature and to leave hands free to otherwise management of municipal taxes. "
As the ruling of this Court has not hesitated Herguedas calling it "blow" to the Councillor of Finance, Isabel Martinez Conesa, who "had no problem defining profiles directivoscon about as specific requirements that virtually lacked only add Name ".
He also stressed that the outsourcing of tax management is one of the most controversial aspects of the management of the PP, and other political forces are openly against this practice does not occur in any large town, being the direct municipal management formula used by the most effective and economical.
Source: IURM