Socialist councilors Andrea Garrie and Susan Hernandez have joined today to residents of Los Ramos Hall where registration submitted nearly six hundred signatures asking the PP government that the office of the district is not transferred to the premises of the cultural center, as claimed by the village headman.
The residents explained that this communication such transfer is made worse because the cultural center is located in the upper part of town, where there are no sidewalks, while making a waste of 70,000 euros, which could be used most necessary issues that the district has as a pavilion covered in school or adequacy of the football field or the sports, to name a few.
They also continue the neighbors, this move would implicitly removing the living fact, recently created, where workshops and other training activities are performed;
and the women's center, from which also leisure and cultural activities organized.
For citizens of Los Ramos who submitted these firms protests "mix health with culture is not the best option, but even if the decision is a waste, just because the headman wants to open facilities ahead of the municipal elections" .
"While other districts are separating after years of claims, medical offices of cultural and administrative centers in Los Ramos return back and join" complains Garrie, who asks the PP House if this district does not deserve to have a humane and just get crumbs remaining facilities to cover patches.
Source: PSOE Murcia