Murcia Institute of Technology (ITM) UCAM launched for the second consecutive year, the program Have an idea?
This project aims to reward the entrepreneurial initiatives of young people in the region to help them develop their idea to reality they finish doing their business project.
Of all the proposals received satisfying technically and economically viable, a limited number of ideas that will become part of the training program will be selected.
It is a journey, completely free, designed to cover all the areas involved in the creation of a business, such as developing a marketing plan, a business plan or a business strategy, among others.
A total of 19 training sessions and 3 days of presentation and assessment, while respecting vacation and examination periods.
Thus, it is compatible with professional activity with academic entrepreneurs for those who work or study, whether or not students UCAM.
In turn, provide business incubator located on campus, workspace equipped with everything needed for selected can work comfortably apply everything learned in the training sessions.
So, after their stay in the nursery, projects reach a sufficient degree to be presented to a group of investors maturity.
It is important that your purposes will echo, therefore, from the ITM want to give them access to a network of contacts that will enrich their knowledge through the experiences and advice of experienced businessmen and entrepreneurs.
The ITM believe in young talent to create successful businesses that can generate jobs and boost the business of our region, and it is for this reason that this program is our main commitment from UCAM Undertakes strategic axis.
The deadline for registration is the 12th of December and can be formalized by:
Source: UCAM