A complete program to raise public awareness on the occasion of November 25, International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women.
The municipal team EMAVI recorded so far this year 266 cases of women victims of violence, 15 less than in 2013
The Department of Equality Policies of the City of Murcia has organized a number of events to support women victims of domestic violence and raise public awareness of the need to report such situations.
This initiative is celebrated on November 25, International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women.
From November 11 to December 3 will be held an awareness campaign and sensitization Mupis installation in the city under the slogan 'There exit gender violence'.
In addition, Councilwoman Equality Policy and Development Cooperation, Alicia Waterman, has announced that it is working with the taxi industry to receive specific training in how to deal with a case of domestic violence.
Boatman has forwarded details of cases of women served by the Municipal Assistance Team of Violence against Women (EMAVI) has recorded so far this year, 266 cases, 15 cases less than in the same period of 2013.
The 73.31% of women attending are Spanish, followed by Morocco (7.89%), Ecuador (5.26%), Bolivia (2.26%), Colombia (1.88%) and Romania (1, 88%).
Dectectado were 145 new cases, while in 2013 was 164;
and 121 old cases, 117 last year.
The service has made 1,536 attentions.
The average age of women who have received assistance is between 30 and 40 years (34.21%), between 40 and 50 years (28.95%) and between 20 and 30 years (18.05%).
As for dependent children, the 30.08% of women have two dependent children, 27.82% have no dependent children, 27.07% have a dependent child and 11 28% have three.
In the field of training, 40.98% had primary studies, 36.09% and 15.41% secondary studies are not.
The 71.05% of women denounced gender violence, compared to 28.95% who has not filed a report;
14.29% has lodged complaint for breach of the restraining order issued to his partner, and has reported 4.51% unpaid alimony.
As to the sentence for domestic violence, in 68.25% of cases the offender has a conviction, 31.58% of women did not report, 16.40% are in the process of reporting, 10, 05% of cases the complaint is filed and 7.89% of couples have acquittals.
In 57.14% of cases the perpetrator is the former partner and in 37.97% of cases is the current partner.
A 81.20% of women attending does not live with her attacker and 37.97% have restraining order.
The type of abuse exerted primarily on women's physical and psychological (39.10%), only psychological (25.56%) and only physical (18.80%).
Of the women treated, 31.58% have needed legal assistance and psychological support 19.55%.
So far this year, have been treated in shelters to 5 women with 7 children, a woman less than in the same period of 2013. Currently in foster home there are 2 women and 4 children.
The EMAVI consists of the Chief of the Section on Women's Hall, a legal adviser, a psychologist, three social educators, social trabajdora and two educational assistants.
The Department has two shelters and a floor ward, with a grant from the Department of Social Policy of the Autonomous Community.
This team caters to women affected by violence issues by providing guidance, advice and support.
Furthermore, women and children move to shelters when no risk to their integrity.
The Department also launched awareness campaigns and activities such as those provided on the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, which are:
-From 3 to 22 in November.
Awareness workshops aimed at Centers for Women and Women's Associations of the municipality.
13 November, 19:00, Women Infant Center.
Talk of violence prevention.
17 November, 18:30, Women's Center of San Antolin.
Film Forum, women in Egypt.
November 17, Center woman Nora.
Talk of violence prevention.
18 November, 18:00, Women's Center of Santa Eulalia.
Film Forum.
November 24, Center for Women's Fleet.
Concentration and march with other associations.
26 November, 16:30, Center for Women Espinardo.
Concentration citizen in the Flower Garden.
27 November, 19:00, The Center for Women Bojar.
Talk violence prevention.
November -17.
Opening of the exhibition 'Women painted' by the Center for Women's Holy Angel.
Will be open at the Civic Center of El Carmen, until November 28.
November -19.
Roundtable on gender violence in the media and social networks with the participation of the journalist Lucia Hernandez Cadena Ser Murcia;
Deputy Director of Truth, Joaquín García Cruz;
Technological Crimes Inspector Walter Carlos Canovas Carlsson and Head of the Department of Women's Hall of Murcia, Juana Herreros.
The debate will be moderated by Councilwoman Equality Policy and Development Cooperation, Alicia Waterman.
It will be held at the Las Claras Cultural Center Cajamurcia Foundation.
It is organized by Albina Fairén YTD and the city of Murcia.
Access is free to fill seats.
-20 November, 19.30, Hall of the Archaeological Museum.
Talk-talk 'Lies and complicities that support violence against women', by Nuria Valera.
Organized by the Directorate General for Social Policy.
-25 November, International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women.
11.00 to 13.00.
Information and public awareness booth at Santo Domingo.
Institutional Act in the Plenary Hall of the city of Murcia.
The Murcia prizes Equality, presented the award Enterprise Equality Murcia 2014 reading manifesto for the Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, introduced the contest to create logo EMAVI, presentation video contest will be awarded prevention of gender violence and launch training program for taxi drivers on performance in cases of domestic violence.
18.30, from Plaza de Santo Domingo.
Citizen march against gender violence, your say '.
It will travel the streets and parking Tatters Cardinal Belluga.
The march will be accompanied by Yimawua batucada group Women of the World.
Plaza del Cardenal Belluga.
Reading the manifesto against gender violence, organized by the Government Office for the Region of Murcia, the Directorate General for Social Policy and the city of Murcia.
Performance artists.
-28 November, 17.00.
Route 'Women in the history of Murcia.
November -30.
Celebration Run popular race against gender violence.
Departure place of the Red Cross and a range of 5 km along the main streets and avenues of the city.
It is organized by the Government Office in collaboration with the Athletics Federation of Murcia and the Catholic University San Antonio of Murcia (UCAM).
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia