The University of Murcia is assisting in the efforts being undertaken to achieve the transfer to his home country of Poland Sylwya Rajchel, Erasmus student at the Faculty of Nursing who died last weekend after falling into the river Guadalquivir Sevilla.
The girl, who had joined last September to that university faculty, was in the city of Seville to have shifted to it to spend the weekend.
The University, in addition to managing the coming to Spain for their families and give them the help they have stated, bear the hotel expenses generated by those while in Seville, which, predictably, will continue tomorrow.
Express request of those members of the family of the deceased, be in Murcia university that deals with collecting their belongings and send them to his home in Poland, in coordination with the honorary consul of this country in Murcia.
The academic authorities of the University of Murcia have shown their appreciation to the University Pablo de Olavide de Sevilla for their help at an early stage in which knowledge of the accident that took the life of this student had.
Source: Universidad de Murcia