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The UCAM Murcia CB gets the best start and some exciting stats (27/10/2014)

He had never succeeded.

14-15 CB Murcia UCAM season has served to shelve statistics and varsity has started the season with their best-ever ranking (3-1 on the scoreboard).

And it Murcia being solid in both attack and defense, with good shooting percentages, and with bases that are commanded to perfection team play.

Therefore, no wonder that the UCAM Murcia CB is the third team with the best attack in the Endesa League, averaging 82 points per game, and being only surpassed by Real Madrid and Valencia Basket.

And the scoring force is sustained by a tight inner game.

Academics are also rooms that get more mates (over 2 per game) and third in offensive rebounds achieved (over 11 per game).

It is also high in blocks per game (4).

On this computer, all add up.

And that is shown in the table of the teams with the most points in the ratings.

College occupied the fifth position, with an average of over 89 points per game.

Those numbers have been achieved mainly by the success they are having in Murcia shot two, averaging over 57%, which is only surpassed by Unicaja Malaga.

Individual brands totaling

The UCAM Murcia CB is a very compact device.

Still, his players are showing that in the ranking is no coincidence.

For example, Augusto Lima is ranked tenth player Best rated average, with 15.8.

One of his paintings, Nemanja Radovic is also brewing great performances, and average over 6 rebounds per game.

That security inside game also binds physically to college players now live.

It's not the tallest team, but the captain, Jose Angel Antelo is peaking as the boss in the caps (6 in total).

Lima, meanwhile, sees most of the game perched on the rim, and has obtained 8 mates in 4 games.

Numbers which together form what is today the UCAM Murcia CB: tight on offense and defense equipment, and a group that totals more than ever.

Source: UCAM Murcia CB

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