The rector of the University of Murcia, José Orihuela, today presided welcome to the universities participating in the Erasmus Mundus "Southern Cross" program, coordinated in Europe this educational institution that aims to promote internationalization and modernization of institutions Latin American higher education.
To do this, planned for the next four years mobilities of students, faculty and staff of universities in Latin America to Europe, and staff of this continent to Latin America.
In total, 194 mobilities will be managed by the Department for Coordination and Internationalization, directed by Professor Bernardo Cascales, for which the University of Murcia receive funding of 3.1 million euros.
The project, coordinated in Latin America Francisco Morazán National Pedagogical University of Honduras, involved twenty universities El Salvador, Nicaragua, Honduras, Guatemala, Argentina Brazil, Mexico, Panama, Uruguay, Portugal, Italy, Poland, Latvia and Spain.
The rector Orihuela has referred during the reception to the value of a program that is based on non-discrimination and the promotion of new opportunities through the mobility of students and teachers from especially vulnerable groups in Central America.
The event, held at the Faculty of Economics and Business, has been attended also Cascales Vice Chancellor and Chief of International Relations at the University, Matias Balibrea, who recalled that the institution also coordinates two other Erasmus Mundus in Africa and Asia with an investment of more than five million.
Source: Universidad de Murcia