Alejandro Ceron Sanchez, with his work 'Mind the crowd', has won the Creajoven of Visual Arts, which offered a prize of 1,500 euros.
The two runners-up prizes awarded 500 euros each, were awarded to Sergio Lopez Legar with 'The essential is invisible to the eye';
The Collective and grillera with 'Garden with text'.
The jury was formed by the Councillor for Sports, Youth and Tourism, Miguel Cascales, and consisting of technical Pedro Guirao Valverde, José María Look, Pilar Salvador and Juan Albaladejo, as secretary.
In Picture mode, the first prize of $ 1,000 was awarded to Daniel José Cabrera 'Korvo / Birdo'.
They have been awarded runners with 350 euros each, Alfonso Mora Riera with 'S2 / S3';
María Rosa Alcolea with 'Countdown';
and Sergio López Legaz with 'Eyes I, II, III'.
All winning photographs will be collected in a catalog.
Photography The jury was chaired by the Councillor for Sports, Youth and Tourism, Miguel Cascales, and consisting of technical Pablo Almansa, Monica Lozano, Joaquin Zamora and Juan Albaladejo, as secretary.
At two modalities have been presented over 200 works.
The Youth Council of the City of Murcia has organized an exhibition with a selection of the works submitted for these two modes.
The exhibition will be in the Youth Art Laboratory (LAB), until 23 October, Monday to Friday from 17 to 21 hours.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia