Ruben Juan Serna, spokeswoman for the formation magenta, pose an initiative at the next full council to consider the Consistory, from the corresponding services, continuity of social partnerships people who end their employment contract on 30 September 2014, "so that they can further develop their work with an employment contract, serving citizens and preventing the closure of local libraries" after the delay in the introduction of new staff by irregularities in the selection process helper libraries
Ruben Juan Serna, spokeswoman for Progress and Democracy Union in the city of Murcia, requires the government team to keep local libraries "open and operating" on a motion raised at the next full council.
So, the mayor of training magenta want the Consistory study from the relevant services, the continuity of social partnerships people who end their employment contract on 30 September 2014, "so that they can further develop their tasks an employment contract, serving citizens and preventing the closure of local libraries. "
As Serna explained after the selection process of library assistants, has opened a commission of inquiry into the process itself to clarify alleged irregularities encountered in developing it, and complaints were reported by several opponents.
"This results in a delay in the inclusion of people who passed the opposition to the vacant posts of library assistants, originally scheduled for October 1," said Councilman training magenta.
Currently this feature is being developed by people with social partnership agreement, but according to the Judgment of the Labour Chamber of the Supreme Court of January 22, 2014, which amends the existing case law on social partnership agreements, "the Governments can not use this formula to cover regular and permanent jobs. "
Because the procedure of the Committee of Inquiry makes dilate over time incorporating those who will derive the square after competitions, there is a risk that October 1 affected libraries can not provide the service as part staff ends his contract on September 30, so UPyD Murcia requires the government team "solutions to keep them serving neighbors."
Source: UPyD Murcia