The Full Council of Murcia approved a joint motion to local groups PP, PSOE, IU and UPyD in order to apply to the Directorate General of Land Registry that the relevant legislation from modifications that would establish a new valuation of developable land are made sectored different at rural or urban land and rural land.
The agreement reached by the plenary is: "Give shuttle Cadastre of the study by the departments of Planning and Housing, and Economy and Finance with the identification of sectored urban land that do not have detailed detailed planning, the order to review the evaluations and suits the doctrine established by the Supreme Court ruling of May 30, 2014. "E" Urge Estate Cadastre to amend Royal Decree 1/2004, of 5 March, in TRLCI sense to adapt it to the doctrine of the judgment referred to. "
In the May 2014 plenary unanimously approved an alternative motion to support the action of the City Council and the Board of Landowners for the creation of a commission to study the cases of owners of developable land with character, without buildings, intended for cultivation, found in garden areas and whose partial plans have not been developed, and make proposals to the competent bodies.
Likewise, have launched two attention to citizens in the City Hall in Abenarabi, and headquarters of the Board of Landowners.
Moreover, the Department of Planning has identified land zoned developable with qualification who do not have detailed detailed planning, since the Supreme Court ruling of 30 May 2014 concluded that only can be considered urban castastrales effects to properties considered in the General Plan as developable when developing its enforcement activity does not depend on the approval of the planning instrument that aims at the detailed planning.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia