IU-Greens in Murcia has filed a motion to Parliament next Monday requesting the Corporation to urge the government to defend the Nation "unambiguously" the public postal service and its commitment to the future of Post "as a leading company the sector. "
In addition, the coalition has asked the council to require the Executive boosting market regulation "that does not cut the plan of providing universal postal service" and ensure that citizens receive mail delivery five days a week, as drops the European Postal Directive.
Councilman signing the initiative, José Ignacio Tornel also calls for ensuring 100% of public participation in the State Limited Company Post, and ministerial decisions are unlocked that "prevent to achieve an employment agreement that will depend employing 55,000 workers. "
Tornel has indicated that 100 jobs have been deleted mails in the Region of Murcia and some 700 kilometers divided have been eliminated, and some 40,000 Collected Letters measurements are achieved and not regularly served nearly a dozen locations, totaling about 40,000 citizens.
Source: IURM