The city of Murcia and the Autonomous Community will sign a cooperation agreement to prevent and, as far as possible, keep illegal behaviors that circumvent established obligations occur.
The fight against the shadow economy is therefore one of the priorities of the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia and the city of Murcia, which they consider necessary to advance the exchange of information to assist in making it more effective.
This collaboration is provided in the Plan against Irregular Economy of the Region of Murcia, presented on July 31, 2012 and agreed to by the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia, the Federation of Municipalities of the Region of Murcia, and the Ministry Employment and Social Security, which responds to the provisions of the second clause of the Framework Agreement on Economic Growth and Job Creation in the Region of Murcia, signed on January 13, 2012 by the President of the Autonomous Community Region of Murcia, CROEM President and General Secretaries of UGT and CCOO.
The aim of the collaboration, which has received the approval of the Governing Board, is the removal of all instances of irregular economy and, consequently, the eradication of all actions leading to flout the legal obligations of contribution to the public funds.
Both parties consider of special interest to establish reciprocal communication pathways of information that are available and which may be relevant for the detection of undeclared activities with defraudatorio mood.
Both institutions establish channels of communication and reciprocal fluids of all that information in its possession from which to detach the pursuit of economic activities that may have not declared or communicated to any party to the Convention.
Each of the parties may make available to the other more appropriate measures within its power to ensure greater effectiveness in the actions which are entrusted.
Meanwhile, the city of Murcia collaborate with the Ministry responsible for labor (labor law enforcement) of the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia in the treatment and review of information on economic and professional activities that are in progress or they can be carried out in the municipality.
The Labor Directorate of the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia formalized application requests data including the following:
a) Identification data of the body, agency or public entity applicant.
b) Purpose of supplying information.
c) Procedure developed by the applicant or organ function.
d) Jurisdiction of the body, agency or public entity applicant (with reference to the specific applicable regulations).
e) Type of information requested.
f) Adequacy, relevance and usefulness of the information required to achieve the purpose that justifies the provision.
The Convention also states that the Labor Directorate of the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia establish the relevance it may have as to their potential effectiveness in detecting economic and professional activities which may not have been declared for compliance with labor obligations.
To develop and monitor the agreement has, will take place the establishment of a Joint Monitoring Committee, which will meet in ordinary session once a year, and extraordinarily when so decided by the joint chairmanship.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia