Councilman IU-Greens in the city of Murcia, José Ignacio Tornel, said today that the "continuous extension" sub judice case Umbra reveals that "the possible shadows are shadows because they had already not be public" .
"There is a heritage that should not be very clear when the judge needs more testing," stated Tornel, who, after stating that the mayor, "as all my neighbors," is entitled to the presumption of innocence, said that " it seems clear that House is hiding something that should not be very fair ".
He recalled that IU-Greens pushed for almost a year the 'Camera resignation' campaign and that even in a full council came to ask House is outside the path of the City under his rule, marked by "speculation and more supposed corruption. "
In his opinion, corruption is the "big cancer of society" and while not fight "with all means" always have the possibility that overcomes us. "Here, said that since IU-Greens" are willing to provide what is in our hand in this fight. "
Source: IURM