Murcia photographer Teresa Martin Melgarejo presented in Space Molinos Rio Stables relevant exposure discovering the everyday life of the Muslim community of Murcia.
'My neighbor Taymiyah', which opens tomorrow at 19 pm, is the title of this exhibition, which is part of the Murcia Three Cultures International Festival, held from 10 to 24 May, and reflects the natural integration of a group whose influence and roots in the Region of Murcia dates back several centuries.
The author has selected from a thousand photographs taken over the years images depicting the reality of our neighborhoods, where as in the past, Muslims and Christians share the same energy, enthusiasm and desire to excel in a society full of prejudice and stereotypes, as recalled in the catalog Lechhab Bekkaoui Mustapha;
"We see a young doctor in training, some young speakers;
we see a Spanish Muslim exercising their constitutional right to vote, we see a very beautiful creatures offering their best smiles, see the imam of the mosque in a very funny conversation with two young Muslim women, we see some Muslim in a training ... and the curious and magical of these pictures is that they have shown us these people as they are, we see them and we realize just wearing a veil, that handkerchief so important to them and so criticized by those who do not understand if these pictures We arrived to speak simply say: Who cares what you wear or do not take, what matters most are "!.
The protagonists of this exposicn are women, many of them born in Spanish territory, who speak perfect Castilian, who are proud of their culture and defend the values ​​of democracy and freedom, which in no case supports photojournalist Teresa Martin Melgarejo, "contradict their faith and traditions."
Youth appear in other areas, workers who have contributed to our economic development as construction workers, mechanics, hairdressers, teachers, lawyers, translators and doctors.
They are a generation of Muslims who live and develop in Murcia and, according to the author of 'My neighbor Taymiyyah' are helping to make visible and to value the Islamic culture.
Teresa Martin Melgarejo started this work in 2009 in the School of Communication at the University of Murcia, under the tutelage of Professor Monica Lozano, with the intention of documenting what life in the region for more than 90,000 citizens of Islamic religion living, working and studying in the 45 municipalities of our autonomy.
"These people form a plural, diverse community with varying degrees of integration, which maintain their religious and cultural traditions.
In fact, you can already speak of Muslim second and third generation in the region, "he said.
Found in the sample Murcia Muslims in mosques and oratories in Arab schools in the University, butchers, hairdressers, bazaars, parlors, cafes and restaurants, cemeteries ...
"I have not had difficulty performing these images," says Teresa Martin Melgarejo.
"The camera and I have been able to move freely and without hindrance, both inside mosques and cultural centers and associations.
The truth is I never asked myself that being a woman would find impediments to the pictures, nor the Islamic community raised me.
Nobody has ever asked me to cover my head to enter.
If you respect them, they respect us as we are.
So it all happened "-
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia