The Councillor for Culture of the City of Murcia, Rafael Gomez, and the president of the Federation of Moros y Cristianos de Murcia, Alfonso Gálvez, presented this morning activities begin on Friday March 21 to celebrate the mean Festero year Moros y Cristianos Federation of Murcia.
The activities will be held from Friday March 21 to April 6 and they start with the gala dinner and awards ceremony "Civitas Murcielago."
On Sunday 23 there will be the festive coexistence in the courtyard of the artillery barracks Jaime I.
From Monday 24 to Thursday 27 festive table games will be held in the barracks, and Saturday 29 marks the day together with the bearers and jury, who will visit Albudeite.
On Monday 31, at 2030, the book "The Last Andalusian sigh," John Montoro, published by the Federation of Moros y Cristianos in the hall of the Palace Almudí presented.
A lecture by the doctor of archeology and ancient history Bernárdez Ricardo Montes e Rahman Ibn Arabi on Tuesday April 1 and another on Abdenmardenix complete this cultural cycle, along with the launch of Aluleig Solomon, the Jew of Murcia.
On Wednesday April 2 concert featuring music by the band The Muses of Guadalupe in Room Michelangelo Clares Víctor Villegas Auditorium.
A young party on April 4 and a trip to the visitor center of San Cayetano and Monteagudo close activities, which puts the finishing touches on the official announcement of the festive charges in the Romea Theatre on Sunday, April 6th.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia