The Sports Council has launched a year express swimming lessons for children between 4 and 8 years, with a duration of one month, and are held in April, May and June.
The goal is to reach young skills for the summer.
Also, at this age there is great demand for places in public swimming pools.
Sports offers 960 beds in 51 different groups.
The swimming Bacons Bridge and Mar Menor, and sports centers JC1, Cabeza de Torres, Fleet, and Verdolay Inacua offer this activity, developed two days a week, Monday and Wednesday or Tuesday and Thursday for 45 minutes .
Students may enroll in a course or more depending on your needs.
The price is 14.85 euros / month.
Registration takes place from Thursday, March 20.
The registration procedure is available at:
-Pool Mar Menor and Bacons Bridge, at 902 44 49 05 or on the website:
-Centro Deportivo head of Torres:
JC1-Centro Deportivo:
-Centro Deportivo La Flota:
-Centro Deportivo Verdolay:
-Centro Deportivo Inacua: / html / centro_murcia.htm
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia