Portal de Murcia


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detail of Murcia


The Romea Theatre presents the spectacle mood Corbacho 3G (14/02/2014)

The Romea Theatre receives on Sunday 16 February, the theatrical spectacle of José Corbacho, a fun solo performance of popular TV comedian.

"Corbacho 3G" represents the artist's witticisms and occurrences around new technologies and other topics.

A performance-laden dose of humor and irony, and above all, laughter.

The multifaceted José Corbacho, actor, film director, screenwriter and television partner, will use new technologies to talk about issues such as family, children, internet, social media, football, religion, the monarchy, ...

A controversial distribution of actual situations in which the public will play an important role.

The show "Corbacho 3G" will begin at 20 am at the Teatro Romea.

The ticket price is 15, 17 and 19 euros.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia

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