Councilman IU-Greens in the city of Murcia, José Ignacio Tornel has criticized press conference today in the absence of an artistic and cultural project in programming the Romea theater, and lamented the lack of support for companies Region.
Tornel indicated that the type of entertainment and distribution companies that make programming Romea "lead me to believe that the purchases are made by catalog", a circumstance which, in its view, demonstrates the lack of an art project for this theater.
The mayor noted that it would be interesting to know the data entry box office last season to know the cost per attendee theater shows are being represented, and has advanced to the City Council asked the number of canceled performances in 2013.
"If the box office is very high there is nothing to say, because it means that programming is interesting and the costs are justified, but if it goes low and only in certain especáculos 'star', and not interested in programming costs is justified ".
He recalled that the programming budget is 309,000 euros, a figure that gives "sufficient margin to duplicate it with a locker interested in programming", hence it considers essential to know the data locker.
He has also criticized the "high cost" of some caches and some shows on 98 is delivered per cent of the box office, while the remaining two percent is for the council in rent, so that the theater does not receive nothing.
In his opinion, in the market there are shows high artistic quality that match "more in line" with current costs and economic circumstances do not stoop the level of quality required to programming and Romea.
It has drawn attention to the fact that cultural associations such as the Symphony Orchestra of the UCAM receive 25,400 euros cache more box office revenue released from taxation and payment to the SGAE, or Ballet Association Region of Murcia, which receives 12,100 more the box office.
"I wonder if such associations are controlled and why this situation. Are hidden subsidies? If not so where is the lack of profit? They are discharged artists and why these associations and not the rest? ".
Tornel also highlighted "the lack of contemporary authors and programming companies that bring a vision of theater today beyond comedy and drama, for example, the National Classical Theatre Company and the National Drama Center."
Ever wonder why a policy attention to cultural associations are not arbitrary with the same criterion involving space and support for cultural and performing arts, always with the appropriate selection and quality control activities.
In addition, it has been questioned whether more could be done profitably budget Romea if opening from Monday to Saturday, for the continued activity in the theater "generate habit" and a mattress fixed audience that would address future projects with guarantees.
Source: IURM