The municipal group of IU-Greens in the city of Murcia today urged the Department of Planning to proceed with the cleanup of an abandoned found at Santa Isabel and the amount of copper this task the owner site.
Councilman training session in Murcia, José Ignacio Tornel, has indicated that the solar "seems to belong to a strong PP and exedil man of this council," so that "certainly knows his obligations" regarding blanketing that space.
Tornel team reminded the Government that there is a city ordinance that requires keeping perfectly clean solar unused, and insisted that if the owner does not clean the City Council has to take over and pass the bill.
"It is understood that the City supports precisely this situation in a central area of ​​the city and receives preferential treatment in the maintenance and beautification of public life, to suddenly find a small forest in which a route is supposed proposal tourism "has ended.
Source: IURM