IU-Greens Murcia has become today ask the council Works and Services, José Arce, to halt construction of a rural road asphalting of La Murta, considering that "spending to be carried out, 51,416 euros, not corresponds to the general interest. "
The spokesman for IU-Greens in the city of Murcia, Esther Herguedas, said that the paving of this road "only allows access to a home that is in the middle of the field and not primary residence, second home but a person akin to the village headman. "
Herguedas has asked the City Council to "paralyze the work as it is time, as it has expanded and paved the way and has thrown gravel allowing convenient access for vehicles and agricultural machinery" and allocate the amount of asphalt to other investments most needed in the district.
Source: IURM