Councilman IU-Greens in the city of Murcia, José Ignacio Tornel propose full council tomorrow the creation of a monitoring body for municipal boards whose primary work consists of review, analyze and provide answers to the various management problems were occurring at the municipal boards.
Tornel stressed the importance of preserving and maximizing the character of the Boards as organs of decentralization of municipal life, which, he adds, "requires an effort to promote the participation and responsibility of citizens in the management of issues affecting their neighborhoods and districts. "
The mayor has indicated that this is the only way to respond to the final meaning of the Boards, and pointed out the variety of situations that occur in the management of the Boards, and the different response that can be observed depending on which Board concerned .
For example, he noted that in some places there is a Council of Elders, a perfectly regulated body that serves to facilitate and streamline some tasks of the Board, and that has been very effective where it has been launched.
"However, in most of the Boards those responsible refuse to operation. Did the or responsible for this can block a Board member of the boards of management to their own devices," he asked Tornel.
Other times, he added, is the regulation which applies different criteria, "such as the ease of participation of residents attending the plenary."
In this regard, he assured the audience participation naturally allowed "in some joints and, in others, only when the House has officially ended and without assistance from the neighbors recorded in the minutes. That's a literal application of Regulation ".
Councilman IU-Green explained that another function of this Committee would review the regulation itself, as a result of accumulated experience.
For example, Tornel claim "nonsense that only residents can participate in a plenary debate when this is over, outside the agenda and minutes of full, as if his intervention was a grace of the Chairman of the Board ".
For these reasons, IU-Greens will support the creation of a body "which in no way should interfere in the decisions or the autonomy of each Board, but to become a tool to develop the importance of decentralization, transparency and right to participation for citizens. "
Source: IURM