The act of prayer and monastic procession will take place in the Cathedral on Sunday, at 11:15 am, and will feature images of the Christ of faith and the Virgin of the Rosary in their Sorrowful Mysteries
In communion with the Pope Francisco, and according to the exhortation of the Pastor of the Diocese of Cartagena, Lorca Planes Bishop, the Supreme council Murcia Guilds joins the celebration of the closing of the Year of Faith through a procession cloister, which will chaired by the Crucified that parades every Saturday of Passion from the Parish of St. Francis of Assisi under the patronage of the Faith
Under the protection of the Cross of San Damiano, who prayed to the San Francisco, and look pious and profound meditation of Our Lady of the Rosary in their Sorrowful Mysteries, the Rosary will be recited Crown of Thorns, through the symbolism representing each of our fifteen Easter brotherhoods in an atmosphere of anointing and fraternal communion.
The theme of the event is "Passio Christi, glare Fidei" (The Passion of the Christ, glow of Faith).
The Procession Claustral be composed of significant elements of the 15 fraternities pasionarias Murcia, setting a single courtship within Catedralicia Headquarters of the Diocesan Church.
It is intended also to emphasize the link of the brotherhoods Murcia with Faith in a symbolic
Church of San Francisco de Asis (See Brotherhood of Faith): 9.45 hours
Courtship consists of: San Damian Cross and candlesticks, Banner of the Brotherhood Quartet Chamber Philharmonic Orchestra of the UCAM, Paso del Holy Christ of Faith Arrive at SIC - 11.00 hours.
Church of St. Catherine (Headquarters Brotherhood of Charity): 10.00 hours
Courtship consists of: Banner brotherhood and tenebrarios, Coral Benedictus and Our Lady of the Rosary in its mysteries in his litter less painful.
Arrival at the SIC - 10.40 hours.
When you get both images to the Gate of the Chain (plaza de la Cruz), Benedictus Chorale will perform a motet for each of the images.
PROCESSION cloistered:
It will start at 11:15.
It will be seen in her fifteen symbols belonging to guilds, and along the entire route will be found cloistered, marking the seasons, Crosses Guilds Guide to the Faith, the Tomb, the Blood, the Refuge, the Reclining Christ and Servite.
Also, the Cruz Filodoro open courtship of the Brotherhood of Jesus, 2 Lantern with attributes of the Passion of the Brotherhood of Forgiveness alumbrantes tapers of the Brotherhood of Amparo, Cushion Step of Mary Magdalene of the Brotherhood of Hope where they deposit a Crown of Thorns Rescue Brotherhood, the Brotherhood Dalmatics Health Risen girls symbolizing the arrival of the faith to our diocese, with acolytes of the Confraternity of Mercy, silver lanterns Servite , Lignun Cross and Respect Palio Blood, Sacred Head of the Brotherhood of Faith, and the image of Rosario de Santa Catalina in their Sorrowful Mysteries meditation.
The Crown of Thorns has seven Mysteries, and proceed to read each of them, with the relevant Guidance Cruces.
At 12, the Bishop of the Diocese officiated the Holy Mass, and his term will be the procession of both images back to their respective temples
Source: Cabildo Superior de Cofradias de Murcia