Protected natural areas in the Region of Murcia and analyzing ecological, economic and legal network of natural areas are the topics of study of separate works published by the editor of the University of Murcia, EDITUM.
The two volumes have been coordinated by teachers of this educational institution Miguel Angel Esteve, Jose Miguel Martinez and Blanca Soro.
Also EDITUM has published a new catalog of Coleoptera family Carabidae of the Iberian Peninsula, whose author is Professor of Zoology José Serrano.
Moreover, this university has also launched publishing works "Essays on Spanish history of thought", in homage to José Luis Abellán, edited by Antonio Rivera and José Luis Villacañas, "The cathedral clergy in modern Spain" by Antonio J.
Diaz and "Creativity and hipemedia speech" coordinated by Veronica Perales.
Finally, he has published "Virgil" by Michael von Albrecht, "History peninsular border spaces", coordinated by Francisco Garcia and Juan Francisco Jiménez, and "Science in School", on the scientific and pedagogical Normal School of Murcia.
Source: Universidad de Murcia