Ruben Juan Serna says UPyD always has offered to cooperate with the government team to "provide solutions that respect both the right to rest of the neighbors as trade and commercial activity" for businesses located in the municipality, and announces that the formation magenta will condition their vote "to bring about a true dialogue and consensus" with neighbors and organizations
Ruben Juan Serna, spokeswoman for Union Progress and Democracy in the city of Murcia, says it is necessary that the new text of the ordinance of noise and vibration "is agreed and discussed" before its entry into force with the associations and residents affected by this problem.
Similarly, Serna explained that, through a written statement, has informed the head of the Environment, Adela Martinez Cachá, "that training will condition magenta in their vote to occur this consensus".
Furthermore, UPyD Murcia after meeting with residents of different areas of the municipality affected by noise and vibration, as well as associations No More Noise, which includes citizens of the neighborhoods of San Nicolas, Santa Catalina and San Pedro, and Ecologists in Action , regional, agrees with the various arguments and amendments put forward by them.
Serna highlights the development of a noise map of the municipality of Murcia subject to revision "to reflect the percentage of population exposed to noise levels," requiring a music controller for all facilities, not just for the authorization or issue new real-time telematics so decibels at all times to municipal services.
Also, some of the key issues raised by the Department of Environment are the need for an acoustic study to determine the maximum number of tables to allow a situation to avoid saturation in certain areas or establishing a limit of 50 dB during the daytime and 40 dB during night, as recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO).
Serna from UPyD Murcia says "we have demonstrated on numerous occasions, through public statements and municipal initiatives, our concern over an issue such as noise and how this affects the health of the residents of the municipality."
For training spokesman magenta, UPyD always has offered to cooperate with the government team to "provide and develop solutions that respect both the right to rest of the neighbors as trade and commercial activity" for businesses located in the municipality.
Source: UPyD Murcia