Union spokesman Progress and Democracy, Ruben Juan Serna, says that the words of Mayor Miguel Angel House during his speech at the full council, announcing his intention to run for reelection "we interpret as something that is good for groups of the opposition but bad for the city of Murcia and the citizens of the municipality. "
Serna explained that "it is good for the other political formations because there is no doubt that the charges, if not resolved before the election of 2015, it will cause great harm to the Popular Party election".
"But at the same time for the city and the neighbors is very negative for a mayor accused gives his intention to stand for re-election still under the shadow of suspicion. Understand that there is good hygiene a matter of democracy."
The mayor of magenta training affects the fact that "since we have stated UPyD already more than a year during their assignment, out of respect for the institution, Miguel Angel House should depart from office, resign" and assign its post to another of the councilors of the group within the Corporation.
Serna notes that the image of the city of Murcia as an institution "is already badly damaged in recent years by all relate to urban corruption issues."
"Even today," he continues, "any matter related to Urbanism is constantly under suspicion, with the consequent deterioration of image that leads to the city."
Source: UPyD Murcia