About twenty members of the Association for the Conservation of the Huerta de Murcia have been present in the monthly plenary city of Murcia to the neglect and passivity of local government in urban issues, environmental and cultural.
HUERMUR continue their actions before the courts and the regional administration in several cases discussed today, as many of the urban and environmental issues addressed in the House come from submissions and requests made by the association.
Changes in the Special Plan of the Historic to increase a plant in the Palace Campuzano and convert it to a shopping center, will be brought before the courts.
Recognition as the Floridablanca Garden BIC was already presented in the Autonomous Community in early August, litigation against the "Plan Olmeda" Aljucer and against the 11 plans go ahead Murcia Golf allegations of HUERMUR.
The General Plan amendment 98, which reclassified Monteagudo floors buildable aumentándoles to maximum density will be appealed to the Autonomous Community, to be in Huerta environment at the foot of the Castle of Monteagudo.
About twenty members of the Association for the Conservation of the Huerta de Murcia HUERMUR have come to full Murcia Town Council held this morning.
In it, have exhibited various signs with messages like "NO MORE SHIPS IN THE GARDEN", ​​"not the raping CULTURAL", "WHAT Cansera" VIVA LA HUERTA!, "JUSTICE", "TRANSPARENCY" and a few other .
Of the various topics discussed in plenary, most are related to applications, declarations or appeals made by this association.
Among them, the application for the Floridablanca Garden BIC as "historic garden", and was presented in early August with regional cultural administration, in order to project national importance and values ​​of the same, as he deserves.