Socialist spokesman, Pedro López, reiterates that budgets will not help end the serious problem of public transport.
We spent 18 million euros, of which over 11 are only to fund the tram, in a transportation system that serves the 60% of the population and it is expensive for the other 40%.
"We need a comprehensive reorganization of public transport throughout the city," said Lopez, who reiterated that free parking in Murcia needed deterrent surface, monitored, controlled, with bike rental points, because people already pay enough
Staff and Security
Councilman Jose Zapata notes that budgets are to keep the indignation of the Local Police and Firefighters are becoming worse paid and more tired.
No casualties are covered by retirement or extending the templates although it would be necessary to expand.
"Personnel policy should be revised, but no way with cuts, public employees are the 'paganinis' of the economic crisis," he notes.
Culture and Celebration
Councilwoman Andrea Garries emphasizes that the budgets do not include a single euro to value the site of St. Stephen, and the Castles of Monteagudo.
Moreover, the timing of the cultural centers is not adapted to the real needs and should aim to promote training in a situation of economic crisis.
Regarding the Citizen Information, Garries still lamenting the lack of transparency in the system and that continues to deny the possibility of the web broadcast town meetings.
Mar Councilwoman Rosa insists that the budgets are Groundhog Day, "to repeat the usual but with less money."
The games are purely testimonial, as they received a big cut at the beginning of term.
Missing policies to support real women, and cooperation, the City contribution is intended more suited to a charity.
"On top of that has little money goes only to make room and photo policies."
Source: PSOE Murcia