For IU-Greens councilor in the city of Murcia, José Ignacio Tornel, social discontent is notable for the high price of municipal nursery schools, which comes to be equated with that of private.
"Families left while receiving a service that your taxes are paying forever to access it as an acquisition. Is, depending on their budget and their right as citizens."
According to Tornel, "the popular PP maintains its refusal to create public school places in Early Childhood Education.'s An option that results in the use of public money through these budgets. Facilitate the lives of families, provide education of quality for their children and ensure the necessary resources will not fit the political agenda of the PP ".
This refusal to create new public spaces childhood education "forces families from the municipality to a real pilgrimage to the time to find a suitable center, waiting until the last minute to secure a place and having to resort to any solution for lack of support Municipal ".
Social Welfare Department
IU-Greens: budgets are unable to lay the foundations for growth
The increase of almost one million euros in the social services budget shows that these budgets are hard to lay the foundation for economic and social growth.
On the contrary, this fact shows that the municipality lacks that basis, able to provide jobs and security for citizens.
Source: IURM