To Murcia UPyD spokesman, Ruben Juan Serna, "the increase in social games is not something to be proud of, as it is a direct result of bad policies and a clear indicator that the social situation of many families Murcia is very delicate "
Union spokesman Progress and Democracy, Ruben Juan Serna, states that "the increase in social welfare budgets is the direct result of bad policies" whose end result is "that has many residents of the municipality in a very delicate situation, something that should not be reason to take heart. "
As indicated Serna, "families in the municipality of Murcia are experiencing a rise in unemployment above 100% in the last five years, the decline in retail trade, the increase in foreclosures and mortgage releases, and even the risk rate social exclusion of the population in the region is increased up to 30% ", according to data released by the European Network for Combating Poverty and Social Exclusion (EAPN, its acronym in English).
"Therefore," continued the mayor, "the increase in social games is not something to be proud of, as it is a result and a clear indicator that the social situation is bad."
Source: UPyD Murcia