The spokesman for IU-Greens in the city of Murcia, Esther Herguedas, today announced at a press conference campaign 'resignation Camera!', Which aims to regenerate the municipal politics "from the ethical point of view."
Herguedas was speaking at a press conference accompanied by the federal coordinator of IU, Cayo Lara, and deputy coordinator and IU-Greens in the Region of Murcia, José Antonio Pujante.
He recalled that the mayor of Murcia, Miguel Ángel Cámara, is charged for more than a year as part of the case 'Umbra', which investigates a plot of urban corruption in the north of the city.
The mayor has indicated that through the case and the information published about the same you can check the "alliance" exists in the years of the housing bubble between political and economic.
"This partnership has not been used as a development tool, but as a tool to hold political power," he added Herguedas, after recalling that leads to the front chamber of the City more than 18 years.
In relation to the statement of case 'Umbra' on which the council did not approve anything without consulting the entrepreneur José Luis Samper, wondered why the mayor did not name Samper Town Planning "since it seems that much influence did" .
It has also argued that IU-Green will be within two years in a position to manage the municipality, and in this regard, he expressed concern about the "legacy" of the PP and that "leaves a municipality ungovernable".
For his part, stressed Pujante that corruption "is not a unique feature of Murcia, but rather generalized", since 26 of the 45 municipalities of the Region of Murcia, about 60 percent, has the mayor or any councilman accused .
In his view, "where corruption has been more the greater the intensity of the crisis and the levels of unemployment and poverty," while criticized the consequences "devastating" economic model, which has been defined as a "giant with feet mud ", which has bet the PP in the region.
Source: IURM