Providing quality education, with the same services without reducing benefits are the main objectives of the Department of Education, directed by María Dolores Sánchez, and will feature in 2014 with a budget of about 11 million euros, which represents 3 , 81% of the overall budget of the City.
It covers services Department of Education, Nursery Schools, Libraries, and Truancy Reconciling Work and Family Life.
Sanchez emphasizes that the budgets for 2014 "are on the line to bet on quality education, providing best facilities for all without cutting benefits."
Education service will have for next year with a budget of EUR 7.228 million to be allocated to educational programs that reach all students in the district, in order that the City continue promoting the complementary activities to resume.
Thus, also conducts program leisure time with camps and activities during holiday periods.
Education will continue to work on maintenance and improvement works in schools.
In the last quarter adjustments are being made in eleven centers with an investment of 250,000 euros.
For next year are planned repair and maintenance work in all educational areas that need it, with a service that meets the needs of schools, 365 days a year.
Among the major works planned in 2014 is the replacement of the school Our Lady of Mercy in Puebla de Soto, the new center New Schools in El Palmar and expanding the CEIP Juan XXIII in the Rane, which the Ministry of Education funds and running.
Fundamental part in the educational communities are the Parents Associations.
The Consistory collaborates with these organizations with a grant to support educational activities and bank books-a fund used books for students who need it.
During this school year have benefited 61 Federations and AMPAS announces aid to education.
These budgets are also contemplated cleaning services of all public schools, shutters and windows replacements, pruning trees, heating costs and a key player in the educational communities as is the concierge.
Education continues counting with seven nursery schools for 500 children between three months and two years the municipality can enjoy quality care in extended hours from 7:45 to 16:30, for eleven months a year.
These centers reserved 32 places for children with special needs.
Children Schools have room service menus processing in the centers and made by the Department of Health, taking into account the nutritional needs of children.
The Children Schools budget is 674,000 euros.
2014 are planned improvement works, conditioning and maintenance replacement of furniture, outdoor space reform in Kindergarten Our Lady of Fuensanta, and renewal of equipment.
The 17 public libraries continue to offer users activities such as lectures, book launches, book clubs and activities to encourage reading for children.
Among the innovations is the reopening of the new library in a space Beniaján expanded and improved, which will have a special room for children, reading room and study room.
Spaces are study room where Education is working to make in 2014 can be incorporated into the Municipal Network more places for young people to have rooms tailored to their study needs.
Municipal libraries offer a number of participatory activities.
During the past year there were 195 cultural activities attended by 10,000 people.
In addition, the library collections consist of 263 528 documents, of which loans were made in response to 385 685 202 405 users.
New technologies are also present in the Municipal Library Network, a website that has had 1.4 million page views.
Library area with a budget of 1,864,206 euros.
A centers Reconciling Work and Family Life existing in our town, Juan Carlos I, Bacons Bridge Artillery Barracks, The Bojal (Beniaján), La Nora, South Round adds Churra-head of Torres and Zarandona Murcia offering over 1,100 seats for children 0-12 years old, who have playroom, school holidays and the services of kindergarten.
Between 10 and 15% of those seats are reserved for children with special needs arising from Social Welfare.
The budget in this section is 100,000 euros, which will be used to perform refurbishment interior and exterior of the Mediation Center of El Palmar, head of Torres and Bacons Bridge as well as the acquisition of equipment and furnishings.
The city of Murcia has worked many years in the prevention, control and monitoring of truancy, which is why education has made a significant effort to increase the budget by about 5%, with 1,091,168 euros.
In 2014 the two classrooms occupational remain there in El Palmar (hotel) and Espinardo (mechanical) in collaboration with the Ministry of Education.
Likewise, the project will provide tutoring in families, developed in collaboration with the Volunteer Service of the University of Murcia, involving more than 150 volunteers will continue to work with specific projects to support young people and adolescents with dropout problems in places like Espinardo, Chico (El Palmar) and the south.
Follow up the three ciberaulas, in collaboration with La Caixa, Los Dolores, St. Pius X and Espinardo for Leaving class project.
It will also keep working with FSG and held up projects and support for school activity.
In the prevention and control truancy work 19 social workers from the Centres of Social Services.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia