Estimates of Works and Community Services
The IU-Greens councilor in the city of Murcia, José Ignacio Tornel, described today as "alarming" the lowering of the budget allocation for Community Services in the districts.
Tornel pointed out that if in 2011 this game was provided with 23,115,153 euros in 2014 remains in 5,043,974, a decrease of more than 700,000 over 2013.
In his opinion, "that further degrade our districts, we are seeing sidewalks, streets and public spaces need urgent maintenance investment."
Estimates of Employment, Trade and Business
IU-Greens criticizes the absence of municipal investments to create jobs
The IU-Greens councilor in the city of Murcia, José Ignacio Tornel, today criticized the lack of investment to encourage job creation in the budgets of the consistory in 2014, in a crisis that requires a great effort to combat unemployment.
Tornel has said it is "inconceivable" that the Employment Service available only 6,168,719 euros and represents 1.58 percent of the total budget of the City.
"With an unemployment rate of 20 percent slash in the municipality, the council just strives to invest in job creation, demonstrating their inability to improve the situation of the municipality," stressed the mayor, after stating that " so meager a budget does not need a Councillor for Employment but a Wise Man ".
Tornel recalled the commitment of the mayor in the last act of investiture, "in which his speech focused on job creation as a priority", far from the actual investment for this purpose.
Regarding the departure of Commerce, said that there is no specific plan for the promotion of trade beyond traditional subsidies nonprofit entities (200,000 euros).
The rest of the budget focuses almost exclusively on maintaining Business Initiatives Center.
It has branded the game enough of 200,000 euros aimed at repairing places of supplies, which reproduces the previous budget.
"The supplies were also places a priority on the speech current government, which requires more than just a facelift a couple of centers, which is the only thing this game will reach."
Budget Market, Consumption and Decentralization
IU-Greens claim that the City does not believe in decentralization
The IU-Greens councilor in the city of Murcia, José Ignacio Tornel, said today that investment including municipal budgets in 2014 aimed at neighborhoods and districts' only saved the share given to the Municipal Councils own , in what looks more like a political balancing budget, because adding a new cut to already have occurred in past years would in a very difficult position to pedáneos trying to maintain the interests of the PP in the municipality. "
Overall, according Tornel hamlets Boards only managed to 12,223,069 euros next year, making it impossible for important actions are undertaken and converts organs without budget or capacity for action.
Neighborhood Boards are decreased its budget year, which stood at 2,213,328 euros.
In short, "is further evidence that the City would not bet on any kind of decentralization."
As for service consumption, the council has held that the city of Murcia again ignore these skills, making a real abdication of responsibility.
"With all the scams that are occurring in areas such as banking, mortgage or remote shopping the city does not have a service to help, advise and guide consumers. But 17,000 euros is spent on advertising in a service that just works ", he concluded.
Source: IURM