The spokesman for IU-Greens in the city of Murcia, Esther Herguedas, said today he does not understand the "rush" to approve the 2014 municipal budget "without discussion", and urged the government team to the delay for facilitate citizen participation.
To Herguedas, "it is unacceptable" that the council "wants to pass a budget with just six days of margin."
"For now, we have the budget that was announced today in the media," stated the mayor, stressing that "if we deliver in the coming days it is impossible to make a debate minimally participatory citizenship is Moreover, as representatives of the same we will have very little time to study them. "
It has reported that this "strategy", the government team "budgets intended to pass unnoticed and that the public is not informed of the new wave of cuts containing" especially considering that "descend on important items such as transport or the promotion of grassroots sport. "
Source: IURM