The spokesman for IU-Greens in the city of Murcia, Esther Herguedas, today expressed satisfaction with the fact that the High Court of Justice (TSJ) has declared admissible the dispute submitted by the association and eventually Huermur be investigated practice called 'teleportation'.
Herguedas recalled their municipal group, through various local initiatives, has requested a review of practice in the municipality of Murcia natural to ascribe specific protection according to European standards some partial plans.
The mayor of the formation of the left has indicated that from 2001-2006 the city was seconding partial plans and giving all kinds of buildable floor without there being protected legal rules that protected them done.
It also noted that since 2006, after changing the law, "he continued doing with those identified as SCI or SPA, which was still illegal," which prompted IU-Greens had asked in 2011 to revise such facts and did it again in January this year after the cancellation of the eighth additional provision of regional land law.
Councillor also indicated that this practice continues to this day remained without legal protection, as the latest revised text of the General Plan 2007 is being applied even though no final approval and differentiate their planes remain so clear the types of protected land.
So Herguedas has considered the admissibility of this complaint is to give the reason for IU-Greens and other conservation organizations and environmentalists, and thrive, "would highlight the performance of the council, which retains in this issue the same position favorable to the interests of urban developers, who have been allowed to increase the floor area and therefore the profitability of their investments at the expense of the environment ".
Source: IURM