The spokesman for IU-Greens in the city of Murcia, Esther Herguedas, said today that the debate on the tram is "just a smokescreen" with which the Councillor for Transport, Javier Iniesta, "intends hide their disastrous management in public transport ".
To Herguedas, "open the debate on the tram looks like a practical joke to citizenship when they have executed very serious cuts in bus lines, to the point that some districts have virtually incommunicado".
Furthermore, "the workers have been without the general bonus allowed to use this service at affordable terms, students are up the ticket, in the municipality currently operating in three transmission companies with three different notes, the Government trims regional commuter and still launch public bike system ".
The mayor has insisted that "the residents are well aware that part of the responsibility of this transport chaos that derives half empty tram runs because not made to serve the public, but to reassess developments urban development in the north ".
He recalled that the Murcia tram costs 11 million euros, "much more than the municipality invested a few years in all bus lines, both urban and interurban, and that after their operation have been cut."
Have you considered that "it makes no sense now open the debate on a tram on the Gran Via, which has no funding or viability and, therefore, not be executed now or in the coming years."
He has also criticized that the City "wasted" € 95,000 in a project that "will no longer serve the time in the distant future to run this play," and predicted that "probably share space in the drawer where you keep the Plan Sustainable Mobility, which cost 360,000 euros. "
Source: IURM